Please note that use of the any form on the site constitutes agreement to the following terms and conditions:

Use of the form and database is free provided that your use of the database and form may only be for personal use or commercial use that does not involve any copying of the data in the database. Any other use is not permitted, and is a breach of this agreement.

If any court determines there has been a violation of this agreement you agree that an order by such court requiring you to stop such violation shall be a reasonable remedy in addition to any other remedy the court may authorize.

Live Nation Merchandise collects the data in the data base through methods that are intended to minimize the risk of error in the data and it believes the data is accurate; similarly the form is designed to retrieve the proper data; however, Live Nation Merchandise does not warrant that the data is accurate or that the form will work accurately and you agree that Live Nation Merchandise shall not be liable for any damages in the event of an inaccuracy in the data base or a malfunction in the form.

This agreement shall be interpreted under the law applicable to a contract entered into and performed in California. You agree that in any matter alleging a violation of this agreement or alleging any violated rights of a user of the site, the matter shall be filed in California.

The rights of Live Nation Merchandise set forth in this agreement are in addition to any copyrights, proprietary rights and trademark rights Live Nation Merchandise has in the site, the database and the form. Nothing in this agreement shall waive or reduce any such rights.